Artmajeur Invest Profile Picture

Artmajeur Invest

Art gallery
12 artists

Share with us the passion for art! Artmajeur Invest is an exclusive art gallery that offers unique investment opportunities in original works of art. Our mission is to provide our clients with a selection of exceptional artwork by emerging and established artists, with an emphasis on quality, originality and potential for appreciation. We believe that investing in art is not only a wise financial decision, but also a cultural and intellectual experience that enriches people's lives. Our team of art experts carefully select each piece to ensure its quality and appreciation potential, and we provide our clients with comprehensive information and advice on the market, the artist and the work itself. Whether you are a seasoned art collector or a novice investor, we invite you to discover our collection and explore the exciting world of art investing with Artmajeur Invest!

Art gallery (France) member since 2023, Artmajeur Invest presents an exclusive selection of artworks for sale by the best contemporary artists. Discover contemporary artists presented by Artmajeur Invest, browse art and buy online. Artists presented: 12 Contemporary French artists. Artmajeur for Art Galleries

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Member since 2023

Artists presented by Artmajeur Invest

Victor Vasarely
Victor Vasarely
United States • 9 artworks

David Gerstein
David Gerstein
Israel • 2 artworks

Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali
Spain • 1 artwork

Shōichi Hasegawa
Shōichi Hasegawa
France • 1 artwork

Luc Peire
Luc Peire
France • 1 artwork

Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
United States • 1 artwork

Speedy Graphito
Speedy Graphito
France • 2 artworks

Gris 1
Gris 1
France • 1 artwork

Takashi Murakami
Takashi Murakami
Japan • 7 artworks

Horst Antes
Horst Antes
France • 1 artwork

Keiko Minami
Keiko Minami
France • 1 artwork

Miodrag Đurić (Dado)
Miodrag Đurić (Dado)
France • 6 artworks

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