Sell your works as digital files

Earn more money

Increase your revenues by selling licences to use your images as digital files. Customers will be able to download your images and use them within the framework and limitations set by their license. Artmajeur handles all aspects of the sale, from billing to delivery, and you receive 70% of the royalties you set.

How does it work ?

  1. Upload your best images, perfectly centered and cropped
    Image size must be at least 640 x 400 pixels
  2. Set up your royalties
    For each licences, you can set the price paid by customers. You will receive 70% of the price you ask.
  3. Collect your money

    When a sale is made, Artmajeur informs you by email, and you can collect your royalties via PAYPAL: it's that simple!

Follow our tips

Upload your best art images, perfectly cropped and centered. They must be exempt of any external mark, texts or decors, as customers will buy exactly your file "as is". Then set your margins or use the recommended margins. Artmajeur handle the marketing, sale, secure hosting and delivery of all digital licences and pay your royalties via PAYPAL. All digital licences sold with your images appear on this page.
My Artmajeur > Sales > Digital files sale

Important: Images will be sold exactly as you send them: they must be perfectly centered and cropped.

Download immediately upon purchase

Upon acquiring a licence, customers can conveniently download the image file directly from their Artmajeur account.

Available licences:

digital licence web
Web Licence

Using the image on a website or on the internet.

Recommended price $32.68
Dimensions of the file (px) Up to 1500 px
Use worldwide Yes
Use on multi-support Yes
Use on any type of media Yes
Max number of prints 0 (Zero)
Products intended for sale No
digital licence media
Media Licence

Using the image for media prints and documents.

Recommended price $130.70
Dimensions of the file (px) Up to 3000 px
Use worldwide Yes
Use on multi-support Yes
Use on any type of media Yes
Max number of prints 1 000
Products intended for sale No
digital licence commercial
Commercial Licence

Using the image for manufactured goods intended for sale.

Recommended price $272.30
Dimensions of the file (px) Up to 3000 px
Use worldwide Yes
Use on multi-support Yes
Use on any type of media Yes
Max number of prints 1 000
Products intended for sale Yes
Custom licences

If your usage is not covered by our standard licences, please contact us for a custom licence.


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