10 Reasons Why browsing art on Instagram Is Therapeutic

10 Reasons Why browsing art on Instagram Is Therapeutic

Jean Dubreil | May 19, 2022 6 minutes read 1 comment

Research shows that about 60% of people who had attended a cultural place or event 12 months earlier were more likely to report good health. The same process occurs when browsing Art daily on Instagram. The question is, how and why is art able to influence our well being? Let's find out.

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Over centuries, people created arts in different forms and incorporated them into their daily living. From pictures hanging on walls to sculptures, culture and lifestyle, art is part of life. It helps people see life differently while also influencing society. 

Today, many things about art have evolved. One major change is how accessible it has become. Thanks to modern technology,  people can enjoy the benefits of art from afar. 

Artistic works are no longer limited to physical locations because online art galleries are now available. People can look at paintings, buy them, and get more therapeutic advantages from them without leaving their homes.

So What is Art Therapy ?

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Art therapy is the idea of using artistic methods to facilitate mental or psychological well being. This form of therapy became a thing in the 1940s. Adrian Hill, a British artist, coined the phrase. He realized the therapeutic benefits of drawing and painting while recuperating from tuberculosis.

Research shows that about 60% of people who had attended a cultural place or event 12 months earlier were more likely to report good health. The question is, how and why is art able to influence our well being? Let's find out.

10 Reasons Why Art Is Therapeutic

1. Art Relieves Stress

The process of making art creates a chance for the brain to focus and keep away from distressing thoughts. It keeps you relaxed and reduces stress levels by reducing cortisol, a stress hormone.

In a study where participants created art, researchers found that 75% of the participants had lower cortisol levels than they did before the exercise.

2. Art Improves Mental Health

People suffering from depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can benefit from making art. This triggers the release of dopamine, a pleasure-inducing hormone in the brain. Art helps mental illness patients enhance their health by increasing dopamine and decreasing cortisol levels.

3. Art Encourages Creative Thinking 

A visit to an art gallery or an art fair can both inspire and motivate a person. Even in a state of creative block, art can inspire the mind to be imaginative. You don't have to be Da Vinci or Picasso to be inspired by doodles or sketches. If you're feeling burned out, simply take a break and do something creative.

4. Art Strengthens A Healthy Self-esteem

It's satisfying to feel like you've accomplished something innovative. This is a function of dopamine release, and creating art in any form can convey similar sentiments and increase self-esteem. Good mental health necessitates a healthy sense of self.

Image source: Unsplash

5. Art Can Improve Blood Flow To The Brain

Professor Semir Zeki, chair in neuroaesthetics at University College London, conducted research to demonstrate how art improves brain blood flow. The individuals were shown stunning artwork while having their brains examined. The scans showed that their blood flow increased in some portions of the brain. 

Meanwhile, blood flow to the brain is critical for oxygenation, which keeps brain cells alive and functioning properly. It also protects against stroke and other cerebrovascular illnesses.

6. Art Improves Memory

Creating art can help sharpen your memory, especially when you're trying to recreate what you see. It makes you pay attention to details and remember what you observe while drawing. This is a process termed Conceptual visualization.

In addition, many dementia patients have benefited from art therapy, as it has improved their cognitive abilities and memory. A physician, Dr Arnold Bresky, has been using art therapy for patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s. He even claims that his "Brain Tune Up" method has a 70% success rate in helping his patients improve their memory.

7. Art Influences Empathy 

Many artworks elicit emotional responses from viewers, just like novice Instagrammer artists react when they buy their first Instagram likes! Art can generate emotions depending on the artist's message in the artwork or the viewer's deduced message.

For this reason, the Minneapolis Institute of Art has established the nation's first Center for Empathy and the Visual Arts. The institute strives to explore and foster empathy through the visual arts to impact positive social change in collaboration with scholars, artists, and philosophers.

8. Art Increases Productivity

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Did you know that a painting hanging in your workspace can help you do more productive work? An experiment by the University of Exeter showed that art can improve productivity. 

Participants were asked to do an hour of work in four different environments varying from a basic workspace to a workspace enriched with art and plants.

The result indicated that participants worked 15% faster in enriched environments. There was also a 32% increase in productivity when the participants arranged the art and plants themselves.

9. Creating Art Aids Self-expression

Art therapy can be very helpful for people who have difficulty expressing themselves. By making illustrations, they have an easier time expressing their emotions.

10. Art Increases Brain Connectivity

In a process known as neuroplasticity, complex activities create new connections between brain cells. An activity like making art can help to connect brain cells. It also facilitates communication between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Amazing Artists To Follow On Instagram for good feelings!

Instagram is a good place for artists to showcase their work. The platform has features such as Instagram live stream, Reels, Stories and IGTV that can benefit artists. Let's see some terrific artists to follow on Instagram.

Image source: Instagram| @jr

Jean-Renè, known by his pseudonym JR, is a french artist. He is known for photography, street art and graffiti. JR flyposts black and white photographic images in public places.

Image source: Instagram| @damienhirst

Damien Steven Hirst is a British artist. He is known for his work in Conceptual art, installation art, painting and sculpture. Some of his famous works are Verity and For the love of God.

Image source: Instagram| @banksy

Banksy is an anonymous British artist, known for Street art. He uses Instagram as a medium to showcase his satirical and subversive urban street art.

Image source: Instagram| @kaws

Brian Donnelly, known as KAWS, is an American artist. He is popular for his Paintings, graphic designs, graffiti, sculpture, toys, and collectibles. Kaws uses materials such as fiberglass, wood, bronze, aluminum etc to make sculptures.

Image source: Instagram| @aiww

Ai Weiwei is a Chinese visual artist. Some of his notable works are Sunflower Seeds and Beijing National Stadium. Ai uses his art to portray Chinese political and social issues.

Image source: Instagram| @danielarsham

Daniel Arsham is an American visual artist. His work blurs the lines between sculpture, architecture, and performance. 

Image source: Instagram| @takashipom

Takashi Murakami, also known as Takashipom, is a Japanese contemporary artist. He founded Superflat, a postmodern art movement that is influenced by anime and manga.

Image source: Instagram| @amaokobaofo

Amoako Baofo is a Ghanaian artist known for painting and visual art. Most of his works depict portraits of black figures. 

Image source: Instagram| @kennyscharf

Kenny Scharf is an American painter. He is known for his work in painting, sculpture, performance art, street art etc.

Image source: Instagram| @toyinojihodutola

Toyin Ojih Odutola is a Nigerian contemporary visual artist. She does multimedia drawings using charcoal, pencil, pen ink and pastel on paper.

Wrapping It Up

Everything about human life pertains to art. Over centuries art has been incorporated into therapy. It improves brain function, and boosts mental health among other benefits. Do check out artists on Instagram and build your mind with their amazing work.

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