Boost your art online

Boost your art online

Selena Mattei | May 14, 2024 2 minutes read 4 comments

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a key method for improving the online visibility of any content. Artists can use SEO to optimize their profile and portfolio on Artmajeur, thus making their artistic profile more visible and more attractive on search engines...

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What is SEO? A Simple Guide for Beginners

In the digital age, being visible online is essential for the success of any activity or project. One of the most important techniques for increasing online visibility is SEO, an acronym for “Search Engine Optimization”. But what does it mean exactly?

SEO is a set of strategies and techniques used to improve the positioning of a site or web page in the results of search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo. The main goal is to make a page more visible to those looking for information on specific topics, products or services. When a page appears among the first search results, it actually has a greater chance of being visited by users.

Optimize SEO for your Artmajeur Profile

Here are some tips for improving the visibility of your artist profile on Artmajeur using SEO techniques:

  1. Take care of your biography: The biography is one of the most important elements of your profile. Using the third person singular gives a professional tone to your biography, and makes it easier for search engines to index your profile.
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  2. Be sure to include all relevant information about your work and person to complete your profile, not omitting the following:
  • birthplace
  • the nationality
  • the artists, movements or philosophies that shaped your style and approach to art.
  • the prizes you received
  • a detailed list of exhibitions and art fairs in which you have participated
  • media publications

NB: Images are crucial for an artistic profile. Upload quality photos that show you, either close-up or while you're working in your workshop.

To modify these elements go to MY ACCOUNT > PRESENTATION, then click on the blue ADD button > ACHIEVEMENTS

Optimize SEO for your artistic portfolio on Artmajeur

The presentation of the works of art themselves must be accompanied by descriptions optimized for search engines (SEO). When an artist uploads their works to Artmajeur, the description of each work plays a fundamental role in determining its visibility and accessibility. These descriptions should be comprehensive and accurate, emphasizing not only the visual aspects of the work, but also contextualizing it within specific topics and styles that are relevant, both to the interested audience and to search engines. Here are five key points to follow:

  • Specify technical details
  • Identify and describe the artistic style and themes covered
  • Use the right keywords
  • Write descriptions that tell a story and capture
  • Make sure descriptions are clear and easily readable

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