Alain Rouschmeyer, A special look at everyday life

Alain Rouschmeyer, A special look at everyday life

Jean Dubreil | Oct 30, 2021 3 minutes read 0 comments

Interview with the artist Alain Rouschmeyer. His paintings, thanks to a particular framing, sublimate the banal moments of our daily life.

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What made you decide to become an artist? What is your background?

Passion for drawing, sketching, and the pleasure of observing. During my artistic studies, I hesitated for a long time between architecture and artist ... I started as an architect, integrated art and I am now registered with the Maison des Artistes.

What are the 3 things that make you different from other artists?

A special look at everyday life and the things of life. Tell a story through one or more paintings (diptych, triptych ... polyptych). Arouse empathy with a banal moment to sublimate. The framing: create a link between the subject and the medium. I am currently working on a polyptych work "DESORDRE"


Where does your inspiration come from?

My inspiration comes mainly from my daily life and from the people I meet ... From my posture as an architect in connection with uses and inhabited spaces. The thought, the reflection, the posture in a given space are elements that fascinate me.

Tell us about the conception of your works, do you have a long preparatory work or is it quite spontaneous?

It is very variable ... but I would say that as a general rule it is a clever mix between preparation (sketches, sketches ...) and a certain induced spontaneity.


What do you want to show through your work?

I run away from the "gloominess" ... I feel the absolute need to demonstrate the possible, the simplicity, the passion, the anecdote, the emotion.

In your work do you use techniques or materials that are out of the ordinary?

Not particularly, I like certain mediums more than others but I remain quite classic because they answer what I wish to evoke in my work. So acrylic, sometimes oil, ink, charcoal, graphite ...


Do you have a favorite format?
Yes, the square! 100 x 100, 70 x 70, 60 x 60 ...

What difficulties do you encounter in your work?

The lack of time ... and space in my workshop which is at my home

What was the best moment of your career?

A national second prize award received at the Georges Pompidou Center


What are you currently working on? Are you planning an exhibition soon?

I am working on a Polyptych of which I still do not know the precise quantity of works that will compose it. Each work will be marketed individually with the desire to initiate the attraction of acquiring the complete work ... shhh! I'm still thinking about it. I also have an exhibition in programming on Vienna in Austria, Grenoble, and an exhibition in the USA (Los Angeles) and in Russia in Saint Petersburg (2022)

If you could have created a masterpiece in art history, which one would you choose? Why?
Edward Hopper's night owls for the atmosphere, the framing, and the imaginary he exudes.

If you could invite a famous artist for dinner (dead or alive), which one would you choose? Why?

Dead artist: Edward HOPPER - living artist: Martinho DIAS. Both fascinate me for the narration attached to their work

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