Gavin Tu: I have always been interested in creating with my hands

Gavin Tu: I have always been interested in creating with my hands

Olimpia Gaia Martinelli | Nov 17, 2023 4 minutes read 0 comments

"I am inspired by everyday objects. I could recall how I started using wire mesh to create sculptures: it was after the photoshoot of an architectural project I was involved in, the photographer used a piece of wire mesh to defuse spotlights for the shoot. "...

What inspired you to create art and become an artist? (events, feelings, experiences…)

I have always been interested in creating with my hands; it is easier for me to sketch, draw or mould than say, writing words.

I am inspired by everyday objects. I could recall how I started using wire mesh to create sculptures: it was after the photoshoot of an architectural project I was involved in, the photographer used a piece of wire mesh to defuse spotlights for the shoot. When we were finished, I picked up the used wire mesh out of the bin.  At the time I had no idea what I would use it for, but I knew I could create something nice out of it.  It later became my first mesh torso sculpture. 

What is your artistic background, the techniques and subjects you have experimented with so far?

I got my architectural degree from The University Of Melbourne, while studying there, I    took up life drawing and that started my fascination of the human bodies in terms of its uniqueness, proportion and how light creates shadow when it is cast on the torso.

I don’t have any formal training in art, but having the architectural training let me view   things differently: proportions in everything in life and how lights and shadows give a two dimension material into a three dimension art piece, be it in a painting or sculpture. 

What are the 3 aspects that differentiate you from other artists, making your work unique?

I think every artist’s works are unique in their own way. For my artwork, it is the way I use monochromatic colours, combining unconventional materials and my embroidery works.

Where does your inspiration come from?

The unique proportion of human body, of everyday objects, architecture, and patterns in nature.

What is your artistic approach? What visions, sensations or feelings do you want to evoke in the viewer?

I hope my artwork bring a sense of calm, balance, beauty and a touch of sensuality to the viewer. 

What is the process of creating your works? Spontaneous or with a long preparatory process (technical, inspiration from art classics or other)?

I like to take time to create my artworks, for me, taking time out in between working sections is important, it gives me a fresh look of the artworks I am working on, it is similar    to designing a space, fresh ideas come after having breaks away from the project.

Do you use a particular work technique? if so, can you explain it?

I mostly work with my hands, sometime I use unconventional tools like a stainless steel ice cream scoop and some wooden clay tools to form the wire mesh. 

Are there any innovative aspects in your work? Can you tell us which ones?

 I use Japanese paper clay to form my signature chop for all my pieces. 

Do you have a format or medium that you are most comfortable with? if yes, why ?

I like to try out various material I get my hands on, like I was given a Japanese tin sheet ‘suzugami’ as a gift, instead of making it into a plate, I use it to make my torso sculpture. 

I like to create my sculpture out of a rectangular shape of materials, be it a piece of wire mesh or metal sheets, transforming a 2D into a 3D sculpture.

Where do you produce your works? At home, in a shared workshop or in your own workshop? And in this space, how do you organize your creative work?

My home is my studio, I like it that way because I can pick up the piece I am working on and put it down again and doing the thinking while doing something else. 

Does your work lead you to travel to meet new collectors, for fairs or exhibitions? If so, what does it bring you?

Traveling for me is more of seeing new things, getting inspired and learning from others.

How do you imagine the evolution of your work and your career as an artist in the future?

I don’t have any set idea of how my artistic vision would develop, I am just enjoying the creative process I am in at the moment. 

What is the theme, style or technique of your latest artistic production?

Embroidery, putting threads on wire mesh sculpture or canvas to transform it to a new level 

Can you tell us about your most important exhibition experience?

It is yet to come, but I think it was my very first exhibition in Hong Kong was important, it gave me the confident to continuous to pursue my artistic skill 

If you could have created a famous work in the history of art, which one would you choose? And why ?

There are so many, can’t really pick one. 

If you could invite one famous artist (dead or alive) to dinner, who would it be? How would you suggest he spend the evening?

Any artists that is completely different from my style of work, because I want to learn and   understand their way of thinking and creative process.

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