Khanh The Bui: simple things bring me creative inspiration

Khanh The Bui: simple things bring me creative inspiration

Olimpia Gaia Martinelli | Jan 2, 2024 4 minutes read 1 comment

"My artistic foundation is the lullabies of my mother and grandmother. There are two main themes in my art: Ha Long Bay natural heritage and the human body."

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What inspired you to create art and become an artist? (events, feelings, experiences...)

A small corner, sunrise or sunset, mother, sisters or all the small, simple things... All bring me creative inspiration, urging me to recreate, convey and become an artist.

What is your artistic background, the techniques and subjects you have experimented with so far?

My artistic foundation is the lullabies of my mother and grandmother. There are two main themes in my art: Ha Long Bay natural heritage and the human body. The overflow, overlap or harmony of diluted color layers gives me wonderful emotions and... I also frequently use the trowel painting technique to create visual effects. The painting is truly a feast of colors.

What are the 3 aspects that differentiate you from other artists, making your work unique?

I am an artist who always wants to find and explore materials in each work. I tested many different types of paint and I observe and listen to the interactions of materials and find creative inspiration from them. Maybe that's the difference that makes my work unique.

Where does your inspiration come from?

I love nature, people and the simple things in life. For me inspiration is everywhere.

What is your artistic approach? What visions, sensations or feelings do you want to evoke in the viewer?

I want to praise the beauty of creation: People and Nature. I want people to be moved by nature, to listen to it and rely on it.

What is the process of creating your works? Spontaneous or with a long preparatory process (technical, inspiration from art classics or other)?

To me, drawing is like a necessary nutrient for life. Material always gives me emotions, it comes to me when I stand in front of a canvas.

Do you use a particular work technique? if so, can you explain it?

I use diluted color for the first layer, it gives me excitement to paint the next layers. I like random paint splashes but of course I still control them.

Are there any innovative aspects in your work? Can you tell us which ones?

Recently I have been interested in the issue of urbanization. Villages inside high-rise apartment complexes.

Do you have a format or medium that you are most comfortable with? if yes, why ?

I like working on 2d fields, I feel comfortable with oils and acrylics.

Where do you produce your works? At home, in a shared workshop or in your own workshop? And in this space, how do you organize your creative work?

I work in my studio but I can work in any space. Canvas and paint are essential to me. In front of a new canvas, I will let my heart's emotions guide the first strokes.

Does your work lead you to travel to meet new collectors, for fairs or exhibitions? If so, what does it bring you?

Every year I return to Ha Long Bay to see and receive new energies and emotions from nature. The trip will refresh emotions and is also an opportunity to meet new colleagues and collectors. I'm always grateful for trips.

How do you imagine the evolution of your work and your career as an artist in the future?

I will work harder to convey my message and feelings towards nature and life, to spread many good values to the art-loving public.

What is the theme, style or technique of your latest artistic production?

Urbanization is a topic I am newly interested in. High-rise buildings are built too much, Farmers left the village and brought their culture into the apartment complex. Was their culture erased or retained?

Can you tell us about your most important exhibition experience?

I walked along the beach when storm No. 10/2020 was hitting Quang Nam. I found a bamboo stump washed ashore buried in the sand. An association of QN with two seasons: Rainy and Sunny, with dry rocks, scorching sun and storms. The bamboo stump seems to symbolize what this place is like, with people who are always industrious, strong but full of friendliness and openness. I use Red thread to bandage my fingers, the scratches of nature that are bleeding, it is being destroyed and losing its inherent green color. Let all that exists in nature have its own life. Live, accompany and rely on nature!

installation work: LAND CALLING was presented at TUI BLUE Nam Hoi An

If you could have created a famous work in the history of art, which one would you choose? And why ?

Impressive, Sunrise. This is a pioneering work that marks a school and a term in the history of world art.

If you could invite one famous artist (dead or alive) to dinner, who would it be? How would you suggest he spend the evening?

I will invite artist Salvador Dali. We'll have dinner by the beach, drink some wine and say nothing.

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