Marie Saksik, the sculpture that explores the female body

Marie Saksik, the sculpture that explores the female body

Olimpia Gaia Martinelli | Dec 5, 2021 3 minutes read 1 comment

Marie Saksik was inspired by several vacation trips to Asia, after which she began to represent mostly young women, content, serene and sometimes dreamy.


What made you decide to become an artist? What is your background ?

Drawing and painting have always been part of my life. I made it my job by becoming a certified plastic arts teacher. I used several techniques: watercolor, gouaches, oil painting, I made murals and mosaics in the establishments where I taught. And then one day I turned to clay modeling and this new passion has never left me.

What are the 3 things that make you different from other artists?

I am self-taught in sculpture. I am not part of any group workshop. I am very demanding of myself and very patient.

Where does your inspiration come from?

Several vacation trips to Asia have inspired me. I mainly represent young, fulfilled, serene, sometimes dreamy women.

Tell us about the conception of your works, do you have a long preparatory work or is it quite spontaneous?

I do a lot of sketches to find an attitude, a movement. When I start a sculpture I know exactly what I want to achieve.

What do you want to show through your work?

Let everything be beauty and sensuality. Generous volumes that alternate between full and thin with a smooth surface that reflects the light. I want to express the softness, the harmony and the happiness that the spectator can feel in front of a work.

In your work do you use techniques or materials that are out of the ordinary?

No, I use very fine red clay which gives the smoothest possible sculpture. I often try to have them made in bronze by a founder.

Do you have a favorite format? Why ?
No, all formats are possible.


What difficulties do you encounter in your work?

I am a perfectionist and I don't like it roughly. So it takes me a long time to finish a sculpture.

How do you work? At home, in a shared workshop, in your own workshop?
I have a small workshop at home, I work alone. in the greatest silence!

Does the work of an artist take you to travel a lot?

I travel a lot in France only for Exhibitions or Trade Shows.


What has been the best moment of your career?

Obtaining the bronze medal at the Salon des Artistes Français at the Grand Palais in 2015 when I presented myself for the 1st time.

How do you see your work in ten years?

I would like to make large format sculptures for public spaces, parks.

What are you currently working on? Are you planning an exhibition soon?

I transpose Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam", female version, into sculpture.

If you could have created a masterpiece in the history of art, which one would you choose? Why ?
The Mediterranean by Aristide MAILLOL.

If you could invite a famous artist for dinner (dead or alive), which one would you choose? Why ?

Camille CLAUDEL, her work is sensitive and powerful.

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