What payment methods are available to buy artworks on Artmajeur?

You can pay on Artmajeur with the method of payment of your choice. Please contact us before sending a bank transfer, so we can make sure the artwork is available.

  1. Credit Cards / Debit Card: Accepts all major credit and debit cards globally.
  2. PayPal: Accepts global payments through PayPal.
  3. Bank Transfer (Payment Intents): Supports bank transfers through Payment Intents.
  4. ACH Direct DebitFor US customers with a US bank account.
  5. Alipay: A popular digital wallet in China with over a billion users.
  6. Bancontact: The leading payment method in Belgium.
  7. Credit Transfer (Sources): Allows bank transfers via Sources.
  8. Bacs Direct Debit: For UK customers using Bacs Direct Debit.
  9. BECS Direct Debit in Australia: For customers with Australian bank accounts.
  10. Boleto: A voucher-based payment method used in Brazil.
  11. Cash App Pay: A reusable payment method in the US via Cash App.
  12. EPS: An Austria-based method enabling online banking transactions.
  13. Financial Process Exchange (FPX): For customers in Malaysia using online banking.
  14. giropay: Enables online banking transactions in Germany.
  15. iDEAL: Popular for online bank transfers in the Netherlands.
  16. Pre-authorized Payment Method (PAD): Accepts direct debit payments for Canadian accounts.
  17. Konbini: Allows cash payments at convenience stores in Japan.
  18. Link: Auto-fills customer payment details for faster checkouts.
  19. PayNow: Real-time bank transfer service in Singapore.
  20. PromptPay: Supports payments through participating Thai banks.
  21. Przelewy24: Aggregates bank transfer methods in Poland.
  22. SEPA Direct Debit: Simplifies payments across the European Union.
  23. Sofort: Accepts Sofort payments in Europe and the US.
  24. WeChat Pay: Popular in China with broad international acceptance.
When you create an order form on Artmajeur, all the payment information appears on your order form. Please contact us us you would like to use another payment method.
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