How to manage the prices of my works? (raise prices, put prices on sale)

Change the price of an artwork

  1. Access the work on your account
  2. On the DETAILS tab, Modify the information (price, sale price, etc.)
  3. To register

Modify the price of several works

  1. Go to the section: My Account > Works > MULTI-EDIT
  2. Enter the prices for all the works you want
  3. Save changes on every page

Change the price of all works for sale

  1. Go to the section: My Account > Works > MULTI-EDIT
  2. Click on the button: Increase all prices
  3. Enter the desired increase and save

Put prices on sale (make promotions on works)

NB: it is not possible to apply a general promotion to all the works. Promotions, or sales are managed on each work individually.

  1. Access the work on your account
  2. On the DETAILS tab, Modify the "Sale price" field
  3. Save

The normal price will then appear crossed out, and the sale price will be invoiced to customers who buy.

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