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Gela Mikava

Back to list Added Apr 20, 2024

Abstract Face Series: Unveiling the Duality of Existence

Abstract Face Series: Unveiling the Duality of Existence

Abstract face by Gela Mikava

Description: Step into the enigmatic world of my “Abstract Face” series, where the essence of human identity is explored through a dynamic interplay of destruction and restoration, chaos and order. These multi-media paintings encapsulate the dichotomy inherent in every soul — a mirror reflecting both the light and shadow of our personalities.

Each piece in this series captures a moment of profound transformation. Faces seem to fall apart, caught in the tumultuous throes of revelation or disintegration. Yet within this fragmentation lies a deeper narrative — the unveiling of hidden truths, the evolution of character, and the relentless quest for balance between opposing forces.

Through a blend of expressive techniques, I delve into the complexities of existence, challenging viewers to confront the inherent contrasts within themselves and the world around them. What emerges is a visual dialogue on the dualities that define us — good and evil, beauty and decay, courage and fear — ultimately revealing the interconnectedness of these seemingly opposing elements.

In “Abstract Face,” ambiguity becomes a conduit for introspection and enlightenment. The fractured visages symbolize not only vulnerability but also resilience, echoing the eternal dance of creation and destruction that shapes our lives. This series beckons collectors to embrace the profound conceptual depth embedded within each canvas — a testament to the enduring power of art to provoke thought and inspire transformation.


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