Serhii Voichenko Изображение профиля

Serhii Voichenko

Художник (Картина)
Родился в неизвестная дата

Hello there,
My name is Sergei Voichenko. I am from Cherkassy city, Ukraine - this is the country rich in free artists, and my hometown Cherkasy is located in the center of this country on the Dnieper (Borisfen) River.

I like to observe nature and its changes, so most of all I love autumn and winter. I was influenced by the artists of the period of early impressionism, I also love expressionism and abstraction in the painting of other authors, and also dark surrealism is close to me.
You can find all this in my paintings. I do not work in the same style, because it is always interesting to find something new in myself and in the world around me. I am especially inspired by women, love stories... and good whiskey :) You can see the world through my eyes by buying my paintings.

I do my paintings in an unique author's technique with oil on canvas. In my art I combine Surrealism, Expressionism, Avant-garde and Impressionism. All my works are the images that come from my imagination and these are exclusive works with the author's drawing method. Each picture is a separate story that allows you to immerse yourself in the world of painting and see something different for everyone.

Hopefully, my artworks will decorate your personal painting collection one day.

For any questions feel free to contact me, and I will get to you asap.

Откройте для себя современные произведения искусства от Serhii Voichenko, посмотрите последние работы и купите онлайн. Категории: украинские современные художники. Художественные домены: Картина. Тип учётной записи: Художник , зарегистрирован 2021 (Страна происхождения Украина). Купить последние работы Serhii Voichenko на Artmajeur: Откройте для себя потрясающие произведения современного художника Serhii Voichenko: . Просматривайте его художественные произведения, покупайте оригинальные работы или высококачественные репродукции.

Serhii Voichenko Изображение профиля Большой

Рейтинг артиста, Биография, Мастерская художника:

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