How to safely package photos and prints for transport?

Potential issues:
Humidity / deformation during transport / damage to the angles.

How to avoid problems packaging prints and photos?

  • Photos must be perfectly dry before packing
  • wrap the photo with protective, anti humidity protective layer
  • Use express/premium carrier

Never ship Glass!
When you ship an artwork framed in Glass, it will break in 100% cases and customer will be refunded. If you want to ship an artwork framed in glass, you must use a premium carrier who will wrap and pack the artwork themselves, or have a secure woodbox crafted by a profeionnal.

If you ship the artworks rolled in a tube:
Select a wide tube to avoid the print to be too tight and deformed. The best value is to use a PVC tube (plastic plumbing pipe are solid, light and cheap).

If you ship the artworks flat, in a box:
The best is a wood crate, or a very strong carboard box.
Put a cardboard layer on the front, on the back and put solid protections on the corners.

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