What export & customs documents are needed to ship an artwork abroad?

Please take a moment to understand the process of exporting art from your country and what documents will be required.

Artmajeur prepares a commercial invoice to provide to the carrier
When you make a sale, Artmajeur will generate a commercial invoice containing all information required by the carrier and by the customs. However, in some countries, you will also need to prepare additional documents for export.

For most countries a commercial invoice is sufficient
In most countries, works of art are not subject to customs duties, and there is usually no document to prepare in advance, the customs clearance is carried out by the carrier. However, the requested documents vary from one country to another. They will be requested by the carrier or freight forwarder.

Some countries require additional documents
Some countries may require special documents for all artworks, for artworks above a certain price, or artworks with certain cultural or historical value.

  • In some case (Italy, Argentina, Russia etc...) a certificate of export for cultural goods may be required by an official administration. The application can take several days and needs to be started as soon as you accept the sale. 
  • Some countries (Australia, New Zealand etc...) may also require chemically treated packaging (eg wood).

Prepare yourself before making sales
Usually, the carriers will provide the requirements for export in your country. They are the most competent and have the most up to date information on the destination of your package.

To be well prepared, inquire about export process in your country before you get sales:
We gather all information about the most common shipments and customs issues on theses pages, but they may incomplete, or not be up to date in some cases. It is your responsibility to ensure you enquire and comply with your country's national regulations as a seller and exporter. Please make sure you check and complete the export procedure related to your country before shipping the parcel!

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